Within 5 days, the cough and all other symptoms were completely gone.
I followed the directions in the book for the proper proportions for inhaling the mix and within three days of starting my use of the nebulizer (at a rate of about every five inhalations every four hours), my cough had abated by about 90%, which enabled me to finally start sleeping again. So I switched over to using an inexpensive nebulizer (basically, it's an inhaler, and is not expensive at all). But I could not handle the taste of the food-grade hydrogen peroxide-distilled water mix that you are instructed to drink. Since nothing seemed to be helping me, I finally read the the One-Minute Cure book that was sitting on my bookshelf, and began the protocol that is laid out in this book. And yes, like everyone else who listens to their doctor, I had a pneumonia vaccine two years before and always get my flu shots every year. This virus was unlike any cold or virus I'd had ever had before, and expensive medication wasn't working to alleviate the cough, much less make it go away. I also had a fever and sweats, but it was the cough that was the worst part. I bought this book in 2018, but didn't read it until 2019 after I became sick with a respiratory virus that caused me to cough, and cough, and cough nonstop for nearly 6 weeks.